United Maine Craftsmen is a non-profit organization founded in 1969 by a handful of crafts people. Currently, the United Maine Craftsmen organization has 273 members and supports itself through membership dues and show admission fees. If you are a Maine resident and are interested in exhibiting at our shows, you can apply to be juried as a member of our organization. The application and jury guidelines are available on our website. Members of United Maine Craftsmen vary, from the budding artisan to those who sell on the international market. Members are encouraged to run for office and serve on the Board of Directors. Elections are held at the annual meeting.
Our Board of Directors:
Rachel Soucy – President
Susan Tuthill – Vice President
Doris Doherty – Treasurer
Betty Begin- Secretary
Diane Allen
George Baines
Linda CohenÂ
Jackie Littlefield
Rachel Soucy – President
Susan Tuthill – Vice President
Doris Doherty – Treasurer
Betty Begin- Secretary
Diane Allen
George Baines
Linda CohenÂ
Jackie Littlefield